First Month Of Pregnancy – Week by Week

Though one may not look like they are pregnant right from the first month but they do certainly feel that they are pregnant. One’s body starts gearing up for the months of baby making to come.

First Month Of Pregnancy


Count for the baby begin in the first week. Though insight of the form of presence of baby is not seen, it is taken into count as it is difficult to pinpoint the moment when sperm meets the egg.


One’s body starts gearing up for the big day during this particular week. Feathering of the nest for the fertilized egg takes place by thickening of the line of uterus. Waiting is the anxious egg to burst and bring the coming of your little one. It could be either one or two. It first makes the journey down through the fallopian tube in search of the Mr. Right i.e. the sperm which seals the deal.


Congratulations!!!!!!!!  As this is the week one will know for sure that they are conceiving. Which means your little one to come has started the miraculous transformation from single cell to fully forming body. Within days baby to be will turn into microscopic ball of cells. The blastocyst begins its journey from fallopian tube to the waiting uterus.


This week is the time for implantation. The microscopic ball of cells is now called embryo reaches the uterus and snuggles to the uterine lining where it will stay connected to you until your delivery. Once firmly in a place these cells divide splitting into groups. Half of it will become the baby either he/she, half of it goes into becoming the placenta. Placenta is a life line for the baby as it plays a great role even in food transmission from you to the baby.

Formation of amniotic sac takes place during this week. Which later turns into baby’s digestive tract. It has three layers inner one called as endoderm will develop into digestive system, liver and lungs of the baby. The middle layer is called mesoderm which develops into heart, sex organs, bones, kidneys and muscles. The outer layer ectoderm forms the nervous system, hair, skin and eyes of the baby.